Whenever you wish to buy a certain item online, create an account on a webpage, or you just need to fill in a form for work, Dropit will offer you a simple and fast solution for your tasks. You will no longer have to enter your personal information in each field, but rather, you are able to simply drag-and-drop these details from the Dropit application right into the form.
The interface is easy-to-use and straightforward, so that it is accessible to a wide public. All you need to do in order to use this application is add as many items as you want to the listbox (name, address, phone number, age, etc.), select the ones that you need in the form you wish to fill in, then simply drag-and-drop them in the form.
The program allows you to change the names of the listed items, as well as to add new ones to your list. You will also be able to save these lists, and use them whenever you require, on a daily basis.
A noticeable advantage of using this software is the fact that it allows you to encrypt the files that you created with Dropit, and thus keep your personal information private.
In conclusion, Dropit is a most convenient application for quickly filling in forms with predefined personal information, by just drag-and-dropping them onto the appropriate sections.